Inclusion Principles

DEMAT's Inclusion Principles
All DEMAT children are entitled to a knowledge-rich curriculum where knowledge is valued, specified, well-sequenced and taught to be remembered.
Where necessary, through robust and rigorous assessment processes, we make intentional decisions to adapt and make reasonable adjustments ensuring that all DEMAT pupils receive this entitlement because their identified needs are addressed
In DEMAT schools, everyone is responsible for the culture of ambitious aspirations and high expectations for all pupils recognising that each child is unique, complex and valued.
These high expectations are for our pupils’ academic outcomes, their personal conduct, and their contribution as members of the communities to which they belong in order that they may flourish now and in the future.
The behaviour curriculum is taught proactively with consistent expectations, approaches to the learning environment and routines set to ensure that all children receive their entitlement to the education they deserve.
We work in partnership with parents, carers and professionals so there is a shared understanding of the evidence-informed inclusive practice.
DEMAT Inclusion Strategy Aims
The SENCo teaches and is a member of the leadership team.
Embed DEMAT’s principles of inclusion.
DEMAT pupils to have access to appropriate provision based on consistent assessment and identification processes.
Build a high-quality professional network for inclusion.
Embed an ambitious continuous professional development programme including induction.
Establish and embed the work of expert partners.
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